100% increase in Revenue with a 10+ ROAS minimum per month

100% increase in Revenue with a 10+ ROAS minimum per month


Google Ads
Facebook Ads
100% increase in Revenue with a 10+ ROAS minimum per month

Newland Poultry came to Growf with a want to burst through their revenue plateau that had kept them at the same size for the previous 14 months. Sarah, being an independent business owner had crafted a fantastic reputation for her brand from excellent customer service and repeat purchases. However, what was preventing her continued growth was her repeat purchases coming from the local area and not within the whole of the UK.

Therefore, she wanted to expand her growth across the whole of the UK but she was struggling to do so.

To pierce this stagnant revenue plateau, Growf crearted an omni-channel marketing strategy focusing on Google, Facebook and Instagram ads. 

Newland Poultry is a retailer of chicken supplies, which can often come at slim profit margins. To prevent this, we worked closely with her to assess which products out of her 600, were viable to advertise.

This was a refining approach which reduced it down to the top 20 products with the best profit margins, which were her own branded feeds, which she wanted to transition to, to increase profit margins. 


Google consisted of the following campaigns types: Standard Shopping, Performance Max and Search. Significant emphasis was placed on Google Shopping and Pmax with search picking up the more specific keywords that aren’t covered in Pmax. 

In order to have more flexibility with Google Shopping, a custom feed was made using Google Sheets so we could optimise the product titles, descriptions and images.

Meta (Facebook and Instagram)

Meta consisted of top-of-funnel prospecting campaigns aimed at bringing awareness to the brand and then funneling them down into the middle-of-funnel conversion focused campaigns and then remarkeitng to website visitors yet to convert at the bottom-of-funnel.

This foundation of the strategy can incremental improved through analysising the data and inputting our ad images and videos into a creative testing framework to identify what resonates well with users and then further improve that.

The result was a consistent 10+ blended ROAS per month, a 100% increase in store revenue and orders overflowing at HQ. 

A reason why Newland Poultry have been a Growf client for over 4 years.